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Network IT Storage Infrastructure & Data Backup Storage Solutions

Paradyn provides complete IT storage solutions which get the best value out of your storage systems without compromising on performance. We provide a comprehensive range of end-to-end services which support your IT infrastructure and ensure that your business can adapt to an increasingly dynamic technological landscape.

We offer hyper converged infrastructure solutions which conveniently streamline IT operations while reducing overall operational costs, as well as cloud solutions for your data and hybrid solutions for the best combination of multiple options.

The importance of complete data storage solutions


As your business grows, you will have more documents, spreadsheets, databases, programs and other files for which you’ll need to find storage space. You might feel that you have plenty of capacity starting off, but over time, this will dwindle and you could soon be in a position where storage becomes very precious. There are numerous reasons why businesses are willing to invest in outsourcing data storage solutions:

• Stricter data regulations require businesses to maintain a backup of data that could otherwise have been deleted.

• Businesses face increasing obligations to retain data that goes back several years, so it’s crucial to keep this accessible.

• The increasing number and complexity of viruses and malware necessitates more vigilant backups and, in turn, greater storage capacity.

• With each new version of a software application or operating system, a greater amount of storage capacity is required for installation or updating.

• Big data files are becoming more prevalent, so it’s essential to ensure that you have sufficient storage for these.



