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The Challenge:

Sligo County Council delivers a wide range of government services to over 62,000 citizens. To meet these needs Sligo County Council embarked on a hybrid cloud and modern workspace project that aligns with the Irish government’s cloud-first initiative. Now fully online with Microsoft’s M365 there was an immediate requirement to secure the Council’s data but also how could existing backup problem be improved by leveraging cloud first backup technology.

The Solution:

Paradyn implemented a Vault365 solution powered by Veeam technology to standardise data protection across Sligo County Council’s hybrid cloud IT infrastructure and increase ransomware resilience with immutable backups in Paradyn’s private cloud object storage.

The solution backs up 500+ M365 account data to cloud storage with self service portal to restore email using the eDiscover feature giving exceptional granularity ability in what to restore with excellent RTO and RPO.

Seeing the success and value of the M365 backup solution Sligo County Council also now backup 20Tb of data across 50 virtual machines using Veeam Connect to cloud object storage. With a true Air Gap model now in place immutability is a key value to Sligo County Council’s new Backup & Disaster Recovery solution.


Local Government getting hit by ransomware is a major worry for the sector, so with immutable data in cloud object storage Sligo County Council now have significant peace of mind. The speed at which backup jobs now complete has been a revelation, with all applications, in particular SQL, leaving Sligo County Council’s IT staff very comfortable and confident in managing the solution.

“We’ve found this solution to be a real game changer, it has accelerated our digital transformation and played a pivotal role in giving us comfort knowing our backup data is secure and accessible, something we would never have accomplished without Paradyn & their Backup Solution Architect, Wayne de Vos.” – Jimmy O’Brien, Head of Information Security.

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